Saturday, January 25, 2020
Importance of Ensuring That Others Are Aware Of Own Whereabouts
Importance of Ensuring That Others Are Aware Of Own Whereabouts 1.1 Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting. The Health and Safety at Work act 1974 relates to the general health and safety in a healthcare work setting. This acts as an umbrella for the other legislations which we must follow: MANUAL HANDLING OPERATION REGULATIONS 1992 -Moving Handling Techniques which are used to move people and objects in a manor which will avoid injury CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH 2002 (COSHH) carers should have a full understanding of disposing of and storing of all substance especially with regards Infection control. All carers must understand the importance of infection control whilst caring for individuals REPORTING OF INJURIES DISEASES AND DANGEROUS OCCURENCES 1995 (RIDDOR) The carer should have a good understanding of the requirements of reporting accidents and ill health FOOD SAFETY ACT 1990 Food Hygiene The carer should be able to cook, prepare and store foods which are safe and would avoid food poisoning. Describe the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer. HEALTH SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974 This was the first act to protect all employees regardless of their work place. It puts the onus on the employer to create a safe working environment for all employees. It says the employer must ensure the health safety of all people on the premise sand to eliminate risks where ever possible. It also states that employers must maintain their safety and that of others with whom they work. The types of things you must do in relation to this act are: Attend all mandatory and any other relevant training eg. Manual Handling, Fire safety, S.O.V.A, Infection Control. Recognise and report signs of potential danger eg worn carpets, trailing cables, blocked fire exits Recognise and report signs of potential violence or abuse Report all accident in the accident book Never work if you are ill with a communicable illness, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs Follow COSHH regulations dispose of contaminated waste correctly. Store Dangerous substances correctly CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH2002 What are hazardous substances? This can include things such as chemicals, fumes, dust, vapours, mist, gases. It is most likely that the main hazardous substances you will encounter will be cleaning chemicals, clinical waste, soiled laundry and body fluids such as urine and blood. You will need to have a full understanding of the correct way to handle and store hazardous substances and also the correct way to dispose of them. Wear apron and gloves wash hands before and after to maintain infection control Store hazardous substances according to the manufacturers instructions Know correct procedure in the event of a spillage Dispose of hazardous waste in the correct manner REPORTING OF INJURIES DISEASES AND DANGEROUS OCCURENCES 1995 The reporting of accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. All accidents and dangerous occurrences should be reported to the incident contact centre which was established in April 2001. Reportable diseases include: Certain poisons Some skin diseases such as dermatitis, skin cancer, ulcers Lung disease, including occupational asthma Reportable injuries include: Fractures other than fingers, thumbs or toes Amputation Burns Dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine Carers should always report accidents in the accident book and to their Line Manager FOOD SAFETY ACT 1990 This act makes it an offence to offer a service user contaminated food which may be injurious to health. It is important as a carer that you check the date on food, ensure it has been stored correctly, and it is cooked correctly. Ensure it has not been contaminated by cross infection, therefore always wear appropriate PPE when handling and preparing food. The carer should be able to cook prepare and store foods which are safe and would avoid food poisoning. Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: Self Take reasonable care for your own safety and that of others Co-operate with the employer in respect of health safety matters Not intentionally damage any health safety equipment or materials provided by the employer Using the systems and procedures correctly Reporting flaws or gaps in the systems, equipment or procedures in use the employer or manager Provide a safe workplace Ensure safe access to and from the workplace provide information on health safety provide health safety training undertake risk assessments for al hazards Update systems and procedures others in the work setting Express their needs and preferences in the area of their health and well-being Individuals should be encouraged to understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health care Assess and manage risks to their health and well-being Identify and report any factors that may put themselves or others at risk Visitors to sign in on arrival and wear id badges if appropriate Identify tasks relating to health and safety that should not be carried out without special training Carers should not complete any tasks they do not feel competent to do or which they have not been fully trained to carry out. This could include: Manual handling Medication Health emergencies Explain how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety Any support or advice Ii need with regards Health safety can be obtained from my line manager or from the workplace policies and procedures. Understand the use of risk assessments in relation to health and safety Explain why it is important to assess health and safety hazards posed by the work setting or by particular activities It is important to risk assess health and safety hazards at work because they may cause harm or loss of life to members of the workforce. This would then result in the owner of a company being sued and prosecuted that is why risk assessment is needed. Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified I would report health and safety concerns to my line manager, and would report these as soon as they come into direct contact with me. It is my duty as a Care Worker to report any potential health and saftefy risks that have been identified, in conjunction with the GSCC Code of practice, which states; Bringing to the attention of your employer or the appropriate authority resource or operational difficulties that might get in the way of the delivery of safe care. Informing your employer or an appropriate authority where the practice of colleagues may be unsafe or adversely affecting standards of care. The Health Safety at work Act 1974 also states that employers must maintain their safety and that of others with whom they work. Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns Risk assessment can address dilemmas with rights and health and safety because clients can express their own rights to do what they want even though it can be defined as risky behaviour. If it is documented and a risk management plan is put in place the company can cover their own backs if anything goes wrong whilst a client is participating in risky behaviour. Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting The most common types of accidents are: Slipss due to spills/Wet areas (bathrooms) Trips due to trailing wires/Objects left lying around/Frayed carpets, Falls out of bed/down steps/stairs The types of sudden illness could be: Sickness diarrhoea, food poisoning, stroke, heart attack, shingles, influenza, scabies Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Carers have legal duties under RIDDOR that require us to report and record some work-related accidents by the quickest means possible. Any major injuries must be reported to RIDDOR immediately. This includes fractures other than to fingers, thumbs and toes and loss of sight (Temporarily or permanently) Any injury which occurred at work and causes a person to be off work for over 3 days must be reported. Be able to reduce the spread of infection Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing Demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygience do not pose a risk to others at work Wash hands before and after attending a service user Wear PPE when assisting individuals with personal care Dont attend work if you have a contagious illness Be able to move and handle equipment and other objects safely Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The employer must : decide what could harm you in your job and the precautions to stop it. This is part of risk assessment. In a way you can understand, explain how risks will be controlled and tell you version of pocket card who is responsible for this. Consult and work with you and your health and safety representatives in protecting everyone from harm in the workplace. Free of charge, give you the health and safety training you need to do your job Free of charge, provide you with any equipment and protective clothing you need, and ensure it is properly looked after. Carer must: Follow the training they have received when using any work items the employer has provided . Take reasonable care of their own and other peoples health and safety Co-operate with their employer on health and safety. Tell someone if they think the work or inadequate precautions are putting anyones health and safety at serious risk Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as reasonably practicable; assess any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided; and reduce the risk of injury so far as reasonably practicable. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 PUWER In general terms, the Regulations require that equipment provided for use at work is: suitable for the intended use safe for use, maintained in a safe condition and, in certain circumstances, inspected to ensure this remains the case; used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training accompanied by suitable safety measures, eg protective devices, markings, warnings. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1992) -LOLER Generally, the Regulations require that lifting equipment provided for use at work is: strong and stable enough for the particular use and marked to indicate safe working loads; positioned and installed to minimise any risks; used safely, ie the work is planned, organised and performed by competent people; and subject to ongoing thorough examination and, where appropriate, inspection by competent people. 5.2 Explain principles for moving and handling equipment and other objects safely Avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable, for example by redesigning the task to avoid moving the load or by automating or mechanising the process. Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided. Reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Where possible, you should provide mechanical assistance, for example a sack trolley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable, look at ways of changing the task, the load and working environment Move and handle equipment or other objects safely Ensure you attend manual handling training on a regular basis Check the equipment is in a clean, safe working condition before use Check the environment for obstructions, trip hazards Avoid manual handling operations where reasonably practical Always use equipment that is provided Wear appropriate footwear and clothing Check the individuals care plan risk assessment Communicate with the individual and other staff how the move will take place Report any changes to the individuals mobility for risk assessment reassessment Know how to handle hazardous substances and materials Identify hazardous substances and materials that may be found in the work setting Cleaning chemicals such as bleach clinical waste e.g. Soiled pads, soiled dressings, used sharps soiled laundry body fluids such as urine and blood Describe safe practices for: Storing hazardous substances Every workplace must have a COSHH file. The file lists all the hazardous substances used in the workplace. It should detail: Where they are kept How they are labelled Their effects The maximum amount of time it is safe to be exposed to them How to deal with an emergency involving one of them Hazardous substances such as cleaning materials should be returned to a locked cupboard at all times, and always stored in their original container, then ensured that clearly labelled. This is to avoid service users being able to obtain and accidentally swallow them. Using hazardous substances When using or handling hazardous substances the Carer should wear appropriate PPE, which would include gloves, apron, mask, and eye shield depending on what the substance is. For example, The COSHH Approved code of Practice (ACoP) recommends that exposure be prevented by: Altering work methods so that the task that causes exposure is no longer carried out à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" for example, the Carer should be aware that mixing common household cleaning products such as bleach, chlorine or other similar general home cleaning products can cause serious injuries and respiratory problems: Common cleaning products may be dangerous when mixed. Therefore the Carer must be aware of the following when carrying out tasks within the service users home: Do not mix bleach and ammonia. Do not mix bleach and acids. Do not use two drain cleaners together, or one right after the other. The following are some of the chemicals that may be hazardous if mixed/not used correctly: Ammonia: In addition to ammonia purchased as a cleaning product, ammonia may be found in the following: some glass and window cleaners urine (be careful if you clean cat litter boxes or use a diaper pail) some interior and exterior paints. Acids: Products containing acids include: vinegar some glass and window cleaners some automatic dishwasher detergents and rinses some toilet bowl cleaners some drain cleaners some lime, calcium and rust removal products some brick and concrete cleaners Dangers of mixing these common cleaning products include: Mixing bleach and ammonia: When bleach is mixed with ammonia, toxic gases called chloramines are produced. Exposure to chloramine gases can cause: coughing shortness of breath chest pain wheezing nausea watery eyes irritation to the throat, nose and eyes pneumonia and fluid in the lungs Mixing bleach and acids: When chlorine bleach is mixed with an acid, chlorine gas is given off. Chlorine gas and water combine to make hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids. Chlorine gas exposure, even at low levels, almost always irritates the mucous membranes (eyes, throat, and nose), and causes coughing and breathing problems, burning and watery eyes, and a runny nose. Higher levels of exposure can cause chest pain, more severe breathing difficulties, vomiting, pneumonia, and fluid in the lungs. Very high levels can cause death. Chlorine can be absorbed through the skin, resulting in pain, inflammation, swelling, and blistering. Hydrochloric acid also causes burns to the skin, eyes, nose, throat, mouth and lungs. Mixing bleach and other cleaning products: Bleach also reacts with some oven cleaners, hydrogen peroxide, and some insecticides. With the above cautions in mind the carer should therefore ensure their own safety and the safety of the Service User by ensuring the following, when deemed appropriate and necessary: modifying the process to remove hazardous substances, including by-products or waste substituting the hazardous substance with a less hazardous type or form of the substance, e.g. using granules instead of powder to reduce dust levels or a less volatile solvent in a process. If exposure cannot be prevented, it must be adequately controlled. The hierarchy of control measures can be summarised as follows. Eliminate Dont use the hazardous substance or avoid the procedure which causes exposure. Substitute Change the material or working practice to one less hazardous. Enclose Enclose the hazardous substances or process in a closed system. Disposing of hazardous substances and materials The Carer should always ensure clinical waste is placed into the yellow bag (if available) or double wrapped in a plastic bag, soiled linen into the correct laundry bag, sharps into the used sharps bin. Other chemicals should be disposed of as indicated on the label. All clinical waste handling and disposal procedures must comply with The controlled Waste Regulations, The environmental Protection Act including Duty of care regulations, The carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations and the Hazardous Waste Regulations. All these regulations come under the umbrella regulation The Environment Protection Regulations (Waste Disposal). Understand how to promote fire safety in the work setting Describe practices that prevent fires from: Starting and spreading No smoking on the premises except in designated areas à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" check workplace polices No candles to be lit in the building à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" check workplace policies Ensure fire doors are kept closed Attend regular fire safety training Know where alarms, extinguishers, fire blankets can be located in the building and how to use them Regular fire drills Ensure empty boxes etc are disposed of outside the building immediately they are empty Dont leave open flames unattended in the kitchen. Dont leave electric irons unattended Dont leave flammable items near heat source Outline emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting Each workplace will have their own procedures which must be followed in the case of an emergency. All workplaces must display information about what actions to take in case of fire. The procedure is likely to be similar to: Raise the alarm Dial 999 Ensure that everyone is safe and out of danger If it is safe to do so, attack the fire with the correct extinguisher Go to the fire assembly point (This will be stated on the fire procedure notice) Do not return to the building for any reason Explain the importance of maintaining clear evacuation routes at all times The Fire Precautions (Workplace) (Amendment) Regulations 1999 requires that all workplaces should be inspected by the fire authority. Part of the regulation states that routes to emergency exits from a workplace and exits themselves are kept clear at all times and that all emergency exits and routes lead as directly as possible to a place of safety. This is important for the safety of yourself, the service users, colleagues and any visitors to the building 8 Implement Security measures in the work setting Use agreed ways of working for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to: Premises: Check workplace procedures. The identity of all visitors to the workplace should be checked. This can be done in a variety of ways Check their id card Check with the person they have the appointment with All visitors should sign in the visitors book. This aids the number count in case of a fire. If someone wanted to gain access to the premises while I was at a service users property, I could phone my line manager to confirm whether I am scheduled any visits from anyone. Open the door on latch and get the person to present some identification to who they are and what they want. If I am still suspicious, phone the police. Implement measures to protect own security and the security of others in the work setting If anyone requests information on a client, I would refer them to my manager if they are claiming to be a fellow healthcare professional. My manager would have a better insight as to who is involved in a persons care and should be able to pass them onto the companys Caldecott Guardian who protects all confidential information within the company. Practicing safely and professionally will protect own security and others in the workplace, such as following policies and procedures, reading my service users personal care plan and risk assessments, and just basically knowing my job inside out and practicing in a safe manner. 8.3 Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts The importance of letting others know where you are helps stop staff getting kidnapped or assaulted whilst in a clients house. Also, if there is a fire in a building and you sign in, the fire brigade know exactly how many people are left in that building when it comes to evacuating it. 9 Know how to manage own stress 9.1 Identify common signs and indicators of stress Common signs of stress are depression, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, and illness due to lower immune system. 9.2 Identify circumstances that tend to trigger own stress Circumstances that tend to trigger my own stress are over tiredness and dealing with complex traumas. 9.3 Describe ways to manage own stress I manage stress through my days off, exercise, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy sleep pattern à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" these are all vital for my own well-being and therefore enable me to be more professional and proficient in my work role and duties.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Distinguish between the processes of erosion and weathering in an area undergoing glaciation
Erosion is defined as the removal and transport of earth materials by natural agents and can be split into two main categories. Abrasion (or corrasion) is the glacier's use of angular debris, held by the ice, to scrape away at the underlying rock. Evidence of this in an area undergoing glaciation are scratches on rock known as striations. Plucking involves the glacier freezing on to blocks of rock and pulling them away. Meltwater will assist in this plucking process: pressure builds up behind a protrusion of rock and so causes melting. The meltwater penetrates any cracks and freezes around the rock (regelation) which is then pulled out by the glacier. Weathering is similar to erosion in that it includes the breakup of rocks, just not the transportation of the materials formed as does erosion. The specific definition of weathering is the breakup of rock due to exposure to the atmosphere. The weathering of a rock by freeze-thaw action (or frost shattering) may break up rock in periglacial conditions before glaciers advance. At the early stage of corrie formation freeze-thaw action and possibly chemical weathering will weather rock beneath the accumulating patch of snow (the process of nivation). During glaciation, meltwater will give rise to freeze-thaw action at the base of the glacier. Examine the impact of glacially eroded landforms on human activity ââ¬Å"The impact of glaciation on human activity has been considerable both in lowland and highland areas. â⬠(David Jones and Lawrence Kimpton 2000). This question focuses on how human activity has been affected by glacial erosion. The most recent glacial period began approximately 30,000 years ago and ended 10,000 years ago. At its peak 29% of the Earth's surface was covered by ice in comparison to 10% covered today. Sea level fell by at least 100 m and the beach was as much as 150 km further east along the Atlantic coast, thus forming land bridges between North America and Asia, which allowed for the migration of animals and humans to previously glaciated areas. Glacial eroded landforms include the features horns (pyramid shaped peaks), arites (knife shaped ridges), cirques (a bowl shaped depression found in mountains), erratics (boulders), valleys, tunnels and lakes. These landforms have affected human activity in various ways, including tourism, communications, farming and settlement and industry. Many upland areas that experienced the effects of prolonged glacial erosion during the Pleistocene have become important centres of tourism. Highland areas both those glaciated in the past and those with glaciers remaining today, are major areas of tourism because of the spectacular scenery and their suitability for winter sports. The Cirque-arete-trough landscape attracts hill walkers, scramblers, climbers, mountaineers, photographers, botanists, skiiers, snowboarders, hang gliders, painting, canoeing, sailing etc. In Britain, the Highlands of Scotland have become an important centre for summer holidays and winter skiing, whilst the National Parks of Snowdonia, the Lake District and Peak District are visited by millions of tourists each year. Areas such as the Lake District are increasingly popular for short weekend breaks. The attractions of these areas for tourism owe much to the effects of glaciation. The sharply defined peaks, deep U-shaped troughs and numerous lakes are all impressive landform features and provide these uplands with their attractive scenery. The rugged landscape appeals to many weekend hill walkers and mountaineers. The lakes which provide a range of activities -sailing, canoeing, swimming- and possess their own pleasant climates have become important centres of tourism. Large scale winter tourism is promoted in the Alps and similar locations by the existence of permanent snowfields and the heavy winter snowfall. Aviemore is one of the largest winter tourism centres in Britain with several ski runs on the upper slopes of the Cairngorms. Communications are also affected by glacially eroded landforms. Glaciated valleys offer natural routeways through high mountain landscapes and lower areas e. g. the Mohawk Gap that leads to New York. Settlement and Industry can hug the glacial trough floor, which often provide transport routeways. Many aspects of transport and communications -by land, sea and waterways -have been affected to a considerable degree by glacial action. In many upland areas, glacial breaches and troughs often form the only routeways suitable for communication by land. This situation is exemplified in the Highlands of Scotland where communications links by land north, and west of the Glen More are extremely difficult. Much of the land surface lies over 1000 metres above sea level, and consists of rugged mountains with steep, precipitous slope and badly drained moorlands. The presence of numerous lochs and fjords, hemmed in between high mountains, has effectively prevented any significant north-south routes being developed, even along the coast. Glacial breaches across the major watersheds form the only realistic routeways. Only two railway lines traverse the region -from Dingwall to Kyle of Lochalsh via Glen Carron and from Fort William to Mallaig via Lochs Eil and Ailort. All of the road links between Glen More and the west coast rely on glacial breaches which connect westwards and eastwards facing troughs. Glaciated highlands with high snowfalls present hazards such as avalanches. As the pressure of development increases, as in skiing areas, the impact of avalanches on people and settlements becomes greater. They are caused when the snow pack is destabilised suddenly by a loss of cohesion between naturally forming layers in the snow. Glacially eroded areas can lead to a channelled avalanche by which the avalanche progresses down a gully. Avalanches can block roads and railways, cut off power supplies and telecommunications and under extreme conditions, destroy buildings and cause loss of life. Therefore, glacially eroded landforms have impacted human activity, leading to management programs. For example Juneau, in Alaska, has a high avalanche risk. Many houses and businesses lie in the direct path of known avalanche routes and thus the various management schemes as seen above were discussed, and some put in place to protect the now habituated area. However, avalanches only present problems to certain areas. Slopes, for avalanches to occur, are usually greater than 22 degrees but less than 60 degrees, beyond which point it is unlikely that any significant snow pack will build up. Avalanches also tend to occur more often in spring when the temperatures rise and the snow pack has been accumulating all winter. Prosperity can be gained from the industrial development available due to glacially eroded landforms. Glacially eroded landforms offer scope for HEP production, with their steep, deep valleys for storage and rock lips providing sites for dam construction. Hydroelectric power (HEP) is the most widely used renewable form of energy. Although globally it accounts for only 6 percent of all electricity generated, in some countries it provides much more. Norway, for example, produces 96 percent of its electricity from HEP. The scale of HEP schemes varies enormously. In some Alpine villages, small HEP generators supply the power for a single house or hotel. At the other extreme, large HEP stations feed directly into the UK national grid. The advantage of HEP is that running costs are very low and power is instantly available. The main disadvantages are that initial building costs are high, the visual impact might damage the scenic value of a landscape, and the demand for energy is often some distance away. The positive impact of this on human activity can however have some negative impacts. Some ecological damage is also caused if the migratory routes of fish, such as salmon, are blocked. Fish ladders are sometimes built to avoid this problem. Also, when water passes through HEP schemes, the effect of the vertical drop can be to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the water. This can be harmful to fish, causing gas bubble disease. HEP in Britain is mostly generated in the glaciated uplands of North Wales, Cumbria and the Scottish Highlands. This is, because, firstly, mountain areas receive the highest rainfall in Britain. For a successful scheme to operate there must be a, reliable supply of running water otherwise the turbines will not turn. Secondly the physical relief is favourable. Glacial troughs, steep stream gradients, hanging valleys and lakes provide the ideal conditions. If natural lakes do not occur, glaciated valleys are relatively cheap to dam because they tend to be narrow and steep sided. Water which is used for HEP is not wasted, it then carries on down the valley. If the valleys are dammed, and the shape of the glacial troughs makes this very straightforward, then the water can be collected and sent to cities in areas of the country where there is perhaps not as much rain as in the highland areas. Glaciers impact human activity here by provide drinking water direct in some areas: rivers like the Rhine and Rhone are fed from glaciers. There is a fear that they may dry up if global warming melts the Alpine glaciers. People in La Paz, Bolivia have water from nearby glacier as public supply. People in the Rhone valley channel glacial meltwater to irrigate their crops. Llyn Peris is a moraine dammed overdeepened ribbon lake, and provides water for Llanberis in N. Wales. Lake Vyrnwy in mid Wales occupies a glacial trough which was flooded in 1889 by building a dam across the valley. Glacially eroded landforms affect human activity both positively and negatively. Avalanches expose inhabitants of the area to great risk, however, they still choose to live there. The positives include tourism, an industry which at present day is thriving and the attractions of these areas owe much to the effects of glaciation. HEP power provides areas with renewable energy and areas with drinking water and natural routeways are provided by glacial erosion.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Sonnet 73 Analysis Essay - 486 Words
In Sonnet 73, the speaker uses a series of metaphors to characterize what he perceives to be the nature of his old age. This poem is not simply a procession of interchangeable metaphors; it is the story of the speaker slowly coming to grips with the finality of his age and his impermanence in time. In the first quatrain, the speaker contrasts his age is like a time of year,: late autumn, when the yellow leaves have almost completely fallen from the trees and the boughs shake against the cold. Those metaphors clearly indicate that winter, which usually symbolizes the loneliness and desolation, is coming. Here the reader would easily observe the similarity between the season and the speakers age. Since winter is usuallyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Once more, the poet anticipates his own death when he composes this poem. But in each of these quatrains, the speaker fails to confront the full scope of his problem: winter, in fact, is a part of a cycle; winter follows spring, and spring returns after winter just as surely. Age, on the other hand, is not a cycle; youth will not come again for the speaker. In the third quatrain, the speaker resigns himself to this fact.] Finally, the speaker compares himself to the glowing remnants of a fire, which lies on the ashes of the logs that once enabled it to burn. In contrast, the love between the speaker and his beloved remains strong even though he may not live long. Here the speaker employs another kind of figurative language, the paradox, to emphasize that their love, unlike the fire, is unalterable and everlasting. The couplet of this sonnet renews the speakers wish for their love, urging her to love well which he must soon leave. But after the third quatrain, the speaker applauds his lover for having courage and adoration to remain faithful to him. The rhyme couplet suggests the unconditional love between the speaker and hisShow MoreRelated Analysis of Sonnet 73 Essay1688 Words à |à 7 Pagesup before long -- his youth or his friend? The answer could lie in the interpretation of both the young mans and the poets character in other sonnets. ***** Sonnets 71-74 are typically analyzed as a group, linked by the poets thoughts of his own mortality. However, Sonnet 73 contains many of the themes common throughout the entire body of sonnets, including the ravages of time on ones physical well-being and the mental anguish associated with moving further from youth and closer to deathRead MoreSonnet 73 Poem Analysis1138 Words à |à 5 Pagesof poetry. William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Sonnet 73,â⬠Ben Jonsonââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"On My First Son,â⬠and E. E. Cummingââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"in Just- spring,â⬠are sentimental poems which independently and effectually express the loss of time, loss of a child, and loss of innocence. William Shakespeare uses evocative imagery and metaphors in ââ¬Å"Sonnet 73â⬠to express the inevitable loss of time that coincides with growing old. This poem, written in iambic pentameter and the typical 14-line fashion of a sonnet, is comprised of three quatrainsRead More An Analysis of Shakespeares Sonnet 73 Essay example1241 Words à |à 5 PagesAn Analysis of Shakespeares Sonnet 73 à à à Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare is widely read and studied. But what is Shakespeare à trying to say? Though it seems there will not be a simple answer, for a better understanding of Shakespeares Sonnet 73, this essay offers an explication of the sonnet from The Norton Anthology of English Literature: à à à à à à à à à à à à à à That time of year thou mayst in me behold à à à à à à à à à à à à à When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang à à à à à à à à à à à à à UponRead MoreSonnet 73 : Love, Death, And Immortality Through Words1461 Words à |à 6 PagesSonnet 73: Love, Death, and Immortality Through Words Shakespeareââ¬â¢s sonnets portray a multitude of different emotions during different times of the narratorââ¬â¢s life. In Sonnet 73, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s main emotion is sadness because he is aging and will soon no longer be able to write the poetry about the person he is talking to throughout the sonnet. While he has many different kinds of poems with different emotions, his theme of this love for this person comes across throughout many of them. He seems toRead MoreEssay about A Range of Interpretations of Shakespeares Hamlet1289 Words à |à 6 PagesHamlets dying words and with his contention that Shakespeare chose, very positively, to provide a multiplicity of meanings at this crucial point (30), I wonder whether his analysis, helpful as it is for an understanding of the text in the study, is equally valid in the theatre. If we were speaking of one of Shakespeares sonnets I should find it much easier to believe in the co-existence of four or five distinct meanings, even if they tend to cancel each other out (27). In performance, however,Read Morethatcher4803 Words à |à 20 Pages2. William Shakespeare, Sonnets 1-7 3. John Donne, ââ¬Å"Valediction Forbidding Mourningâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Fleaâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Hymn to God, My God in my Sicknessâ⬠4. George Herbert, ââ¬Å"The Collarâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Altarâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Love IIIâ⬠5. Andrew Marvell, ââ¬Å"To his Coy Mistressâ⬠6. T.S. Eliot, ââ¬Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrockâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Journey of the Magiâ⬠2. Poems for individual reading: 1. William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 (ââ¬Å"That time of yearâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ) 2. John Donne, ââ¬Å"Holy Sonnet Iâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Thou hast made meâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ), ââ¬Å"Holy Sonnet IXâ⬠(ââ¬Å"If poisonous mineralsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ )Read MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words à |à 47 Pagespoetry? Good questions! This web page provides a quick overview of poetry analysis. Please note that this handout discusses the basics of poetry; there is much more to know about it than there is room to discuss here. Laurence Perrine s book LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE can provide more detailed information about poetry analysis. Until you can get a copy of the book, I hope this page helps you begin your poetry analysis work. What is poetry ? Poetry goes beyond the rhyming of words. TheRead More Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw Essay3473 Words à |à 14 PagesRichard Rambusss Pleasure and Devotion: The Body of Jesus and Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric, in which he opens up possibilities for reading eroticism (especially homoeroticism) in early modern representations of Christs body. In this analysis, Rambuss opposes Caroline Walker Bynum who, in response to Leo Steinbergs The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art, claims that depictions of Christs genitalia (the focus of Steinbergs work) can only be regarded as erotic from a modern standpointRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare2594 Words à |à 11 Pagesis about a character whose tragic flaw leads to his downfall and to the demise of many of the other characters. William Shakespeare was a playwright during the Elizabethan Era who was made famous for his literary works of tragedies, comedies and sonnets. One of Shakespeare?s most renowned tragedies is Hamlet. In this classic tragedy the protagonist, Hamlet, pursues revenge and seeks justice against the antagonist, Claudius, for the murder of King Hamlet. As a result of his pursuits, Hamlet, his familyRead MoreDuchess Of Malf Open Learn10864 Words à |à 44 PagesMalfi, focuses on the representation of the theme of love and marriage in the Malfi court, and the social conflicts to which it gives rise. The unit guides you through the first part of the play and will help you to develop your skills of textual analysis. This unit focuses mainly on Acts 1 and 2 of the play. You should make sure that you have read these two acts of the play before you read the unit. The edition of the play that is used in this unit is the Pearson Longman (2009) edition, edited by
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Wild Life Trafficking Essays - 944 Words
Trafficking is a form of smuggling that has a long history throughout the world. Just like any trade, the forms of trafficking differ as to what is needed in the market. Examples of trafficking and smugglings include: drugs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, women, children and all forms of wildlife (animals and plants). Wildlife trafficking is a serious threat to the environment. Animals, for example, are usually stolen from their natural habitat and sold in the black markets for large sums of money. Removing animals and/or plants from their natural habitat affects the ecosystem, ruins the food chain and risks driving those animals and plants towards extinction (FREELAND,2010). The wildlife trade is driven by the demand of the consumers. Toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Not many advantageous points can be seen in wildlife trade; perhaps only two positive points are slightly notable. The first point to be noted is that poor people get a chance to earn a great sum of money to support themselves and their family (eia-international,2011). Another and yet a more useful point is that the possibility of being able to get a male and female animal together to reproduce in a zoo or a nature reserve is made better, and hence could lessen the chances of species extinction (IFAW,2011). Wildlife trafficking impacts the environment in a negative way. It affects the biodiversity and contributes to its loss. According to scientists predictions, at least half of the animals and plants will be gone within the century (IFAW,2011). Moreover, any reason that could affect the number of animals or plants in the ecosystem could contribute in the loss of more animals and plants (eia-international,2011). Even indirect actions like the extreme heat caused by global warming and human-induced actions could kill plants, thus affecting the animals feeding on them. In addition, wild animals are known to carry certain diseases that could be transferred to humans and might be harmful. In some cases, the transferred diseases could be fatal like SARS and Avian Influenza (FREELAND, 2010). Furthermore, contributing in the support ofShow MoreRelatedThe Nature Of Zoos And Aquariums1445 Words à |à 6 PagesNature is a beautiful aspect of life because it makes up the world around us. As time passes by, it seems as if the environment that surrounds human life is slowly deteriorating because of the way society treats the world. Damaging the beauty surrounding mankind only shows that one wants to succeed at the expense of others. Rather than savoring what is around them, humankind exploits natureââ¬â¢s riches for its own personal gains; thus, the exploitation of nature, in general, leads individuals to beRead MoreKilling the Killer Whale Essay659 Words à |à 3 Pagesfor both humans and the whales. Holding these incredibly massive marine animals in captivity is not only inhumane and detrimental to the whaleââ¬â¢s health, but also a potentially fatal activity for humans to participate in. Orca trafficking is the equivalent of human trafficking: kidnapping a child or pup from the mother to be used for the entertainment of others. Killer whales are family oriented, and all of a motherââ¬â¢s offspring stay with her their entire lives (spong). When a pup is being taken orRead MoreDrug Trafficking Organizations And Drugs1296 Words à |à 6 PagesDrug Trafficking Organizations ââ¬Å"Imagine living in a place where you can kill anyone you wish and nothing happens except that they fall deadâ⬠(Morris 216). With drug trafficking organizations people in Mexico live in a world where this is part of their everyday lives. More than 16,600 deaths were attributed to drug trafficking in 2011 (Schedler 6). People live in a world like the Wild West where there seems to be no social control. This is a problem because innocent people are losing their lives overRead MoreAnalysis Of The Summit Will Deal With The Cape Echo Watch1531 Words à |à 7 Pagesthat one of the problems of Cape is the theft of supplies meant toward the refugees from the spell witch war and those displaced by the civil war.â⬠Lebeaux said in a statement. ââ¬Å"The summit will also deal with illicit trafficking in the sea like drug trafficking and human trafficking which has seen an uptick recently as well.â⬠Piracy has spiked in the region since 1714 when Steeleââ¬â¢s forces relocated to Costa Luna. The Beacon was unable to secure exact figures on the amount of income lost to theseRead MoreWhat Is The Wildlife Innovation And Longevity Driver ( WILD Act?1081 Words à |à 5 PagesOverview and Mandated Provisions The Wildlife Innovation and Longevity Driver (WILD) Act was introduced with the aim of improving and maintaining global biodiversity by addressing four critical issues: habitat loss, invasive species, and wildlife poaching/trafficking. The WILD Act addresses these issues through four provisions: 1) establishing the Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prizes, 2) reauthorizing the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF), 3) amending the Fish and Wildlife CoordinationRead MoreProstitution Is The Worlds Oldest Profession1365 Words à |à 6 Pagescounties in Nevada. ââ¬Å"The most infamous brothel,â⬠called The Mustang Ranch, resides in Sparks, Nevada (Nevadaââ¬â¢s). Prostitution may reduce poverty; however, due to the increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, abuse against women, and human trafficking, The Mustang Ranch should be shut down and prostitution must be outlawed in those ten counties. The Mustang Ranch first opened its doors in 1951, even though prostitution was not legal in Nevada until about twenty years later. Joe Conforte, ââ¬Å"TheRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Kenya Trafficking Legislation2330 Words à |à 10 PagesKenya Trafficking Legislation 1. Introduction and CITES: Convention in International Trade in Endangered Species In 1975, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) came into force. Today, there are 179 countries who are ââ¬Å"member partiesâ⬠to the Convention. Each ââ¬Å"member partyâ⬠has some form of domestic legislation that implements CITES, thereby enumerating what is considered illegal trafficking in wildlife in that country and indicating what prosecutorialRead MoreEssay about The Crack Cocaine Epidemic of the Mid 1980s1382 Words à |à 6 Pagespowdered form. In society the minorities were the ones most affected by the growing excess of crime and drug abuse, especially African Americans; so the question was ââ¬Å"Why was nearly everybody convicted in California federal court of crack cocaine trafficking black?â⬠(Webb: Day 3). The growing hysteria brought forth many questions which might seem to have concrete answers, but the fact of the matter is they are all but conspiracy in the end, even though it does not take a way the ambiguity and doubt.Read MoreSentencing For Nonviolent Drug Offenders882 Words à |à 4 PagesClinton found time during ââ¬Å"Pardongateâ⬠to pardon the drug charges of his brother. Also, the son of Richard W. Riley, Clintonââ¬â¢s Secretary of Education, faced federal charges of conspiring to sell cocaine and marijuana. He faced a penalty of ten years to life in prison and a $4 million fine, yet he was only sentenced to 6 months of house arrest. Al Gore admittedly smoked pot in the past, but he never publicly challenged the administration. Gore even campaigned against medical marijuana in 2000 as a presidentialRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse1331 Words à |à 6 Pagesillegal substancesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"52% are less likely to skip school while having a Big Brother, Big Sister mentorâ⬠(Tierney, Grossman, Resch, 2014). If the citizens of Baltimore help young adults find mentors that can lead them to make the right decisions in life, the thought of starting and becoming attached to illegal substances will most likely come to a complete halt which would benefit their lives in the future. Along with providing mentor programs for troubled youths throughout Baltimore, more government
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